My first Chapbook!! Support the Poet and the Project!!

Tuesday, March 3, 2009

Allow me to introduce myself!

Hello everyone,

My name is Tanesha Douglas, and I am senior at the University of Georgia. I am up and raising and can't forget blessed Spoken Word Artist!! I am extremely excited to be pursing this dream of mine. God is soo soo soo Good!!!

To let you all know a little bit about myself as a poet. I have been writing since I was about 7 or 8 as a way for me to let go of all the things that was going through as a kid. I started out rapping, and I was on Animocity Records for a while, until I realized that the life of a rapper wasn't for me, so I got out of the rap game. Although, I stopped rapping, I never stopped writing and that's how I evolved as a poet. I took a little hiatus in college for like two years because I wasn't motivated to write. I am out of that hiatus and for good!!!!

I have my first chapbook coming out in April 2009, National Poetry Month!! It will be called Old. vs New: The Chronicles of Growth. PLEASE support the project!!!

PS. Comment and let me know what you think of my work!!!

Love ya!!


  1. You already know I will be making that purchase. With yo talented self.. Love ya!

  2. hello tanesha, i m amit from india
    there is a contest in my college i.e. "mr. confident"
    and there i have to present myself as mr.confident in the form of poetry.
    please give me some ideas
    Pls help me
